Why I Think Remote Work is Incredible

Written on Jan 27, 2020 • 4 minute read • Share on 𝕏

Two months ago, I started a new job at G2i that is fully remote. Here’s why I think working from home is incredible.

Prior Art

In my previous on-site desk jobs, I’ve often struggled with self care: I rarely had the chance to get enough sleep, and when I did, it was seldom stress-free. Morning meetings would ruin the night before, and location-sensitive events would interrupt the regular working day. The result? Less-than-happy Tejas.

On-site work in a nutshell

To put it succinctly, my experience working on-site looked a lot like this:

I should say that this isn’t targeted to one specific employer or work environment. This is pretty much the pattern I’ve seen in most working environments that were bound to an office location.

Sure, there weren’t planning meetings every day, and some days, I was able to get a satisfying amount of work done, but by and large, interruptions happened far more than I would have preferred and finding focus was often quite challenging.

Remote work in a nutshell

What does remote work look like? How does it compare? This is what I’ve experienced over the last 2 months:

To be clear, I find meetings good, especially pair programming and mentorship. I especially appreciate them because they bring us together and give us a shared sense of responsibility. What I find a little hard are spontaneous meetings: I’ve often worked in open offices and got summoned quite a lot either directly (hey there!) or indirectly (people talking and my ears following).

”Just get noise-cancelling headphones” doesn’t help in this case because there are more environmental factors than auditory ones.

Remote work: the not-so-incredible parts

While it’s been mostly positives, I’ve also struggled with remote work in some places. For example,

It all centers around losing some type of rhythm. It seems to me we have an internal clock that reeeeeally doesn’t like to be disturbed. Kind of like how taking long flights wrecks us even though we don’t do much but sit around on a plane ✈️ for 14 hours.

To combat this, I’ve resolved to wake up at 7am every day – no matter what. My routine for the past few days has been:

With this, my body seems to be happy and I get the benefits of regular daily exercise, while also meeting my work goals. This appears to be some type of golden ratio that I’ve found recently. Things are more or less pretty freaking great these days.

Do you have any other tips for me? Let me know!

It’s not binary

I must add — all of what I’ve said is speaking only of my experience (and my experience so far) with remote work. I have never worked a remote job before in my life and these are preliminary findings. I’m sure there’s a lot more nuance to it that I have yet to discover.

I’m sure it’s not entirely binary, but a spectrum of tradeoffs, as are most things in life.

What do you think? Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? What was your experience like? I’d love to hear your perspective. Let me know on twitter.